Is it possible to achieve a full recovery after a stroke?

There IS promising evidence that full recovery from a stroke is achievable with patience and perseverance.

Is Your WHY strong enough?

This year (2020) has been a trying one for everybody!

Two of my friends have suffered strokes this year.

My one friend suffered two strokes, just 6 or 7 months apart.

She drove herself to the hospital during the second stroke.


She is perfectly fine today (HalleluYah!), but not everyone that has a stroke comes out unscathed.

Know The Signs



Face Drooping

Arm Weakness

Speech Difficulty

Time to Call 911

A Message Of Hope

One particular case stood out to me that Kari Dunning, in the video above, shares.

A man named Tony had a stroke when he was just 40!

His wife left him after the stroke!

Could you image the pain?

He was then placed into a nursing home, but he was determined to get his life back, and he wanted Out of that nursing home!

Tony worked very hard to get his life back.  His WHY was very strong!

At the time of this video, Tony was leading a normal healthy life, and he had a full recovery after a stroke.

Don’t let the doctors tell you or a loved one that there is no hope for recovery!

We have these powerful minds between our ears, but most of us do not harness this power.

Sometimes we need a little help…

Harness Technology

No matter how you feel about technology, Eric C. Leuthardt, MD presents his non-invasive device, in the video above, that is giving people their lives back.

In this case, Rick started therapy 4 years AFTER his stroke.

He defied all “scientific” data that says you can’t recover if you don’t catch a stroke in a very short time frame.

The great part is, once Rick got his motor skills back, he no longer needed the technology.

Our Brains ARE Amazing!

Be Proactive

Protecting yourself NOW is your best medicine!

Someone once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

So True!

You can start by considering the most effective way to lose weight.

Eat plenty of your G-BOMBS (greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds).

Remember to find every way possible to eat your fiber.  Especially soluble fiber, like in beans, which draws toxins out of your body.

Don’t overlook the power of Garlic to help prevent stroke.

In this study, garlic proved to reduce stroke by 50%.

You may want to consider cutting back on meats…significantly.

I’m a meat eater, but my family and I eat meat in small amounts.  I can’t tell you the last time any of us sat down to a meal with a big slab of meat on our plates.

Start your afternoon and evening meals with a very large colorful salad.

Get moving!

Start slow if this is new to you (discuss exercise with your health practitioner).

Walk, run, ride a bike, swim or do whatever activity that You Enjoy. 

If it’s a chore, you won’t do it.

Take supplements that will help keep your blood flowing optimally like Blood Flow Optimizer.

Caution – supplements should Not be used in lieu of a healthy lifestyle!  A healthy lifestyle is THE most important step you can take.

If you smoke, now is the time to stop!

I used to be a heavy smoker, and quit cold turkey when the price of cigarettes went up…and that was in the early 90’s.  That was my WHY!

Reduce stress!

Getting Started

If this is new information for you, and you haven’t been living the cleanest lifestyle, take small steps to clean up your diet.

Don’t let the change overwhelm you.

When I was helping a friend clean up her eating habits, she told me it was very overwhelming to learn all this new stuff, and I told her to take baby steps.

Every step will take you closer to a cleaner way of eating.

If you’re like me…an all or nothing kind of person, it’s perfectly okay to get all the junk out at once, but you don’t have to.

If you stress about it, that will defeat the purpose.

Start slow with the exercise that you choose, and build up to a heart pumping, sweaty workout.

Take your time, and be sure to discuss any extra activity with your health practitioner. 

It is imperative to reduce stress, and prayer is my gold standard to reduce it, but choose what works for you.

Deep, slow, breathing is very helpful to reduce stress:

Slowly breathe in through your nose, deep into your abdomen and then your lungs.

Hold it for a few seconds (if you can).

Slowly release the air, emptying your abdomen, then your lungs.

Do this 3-5 times anytime you need a quick “chill pill”.

These steps should get you started, and help keep you from ever having to deal with a stroke.

One last thing, a year or so ago, Health Coaches were added to insurance policies.

If you need support in getting on the right track to health, this may be an option for you.

Check with your insurance company.

May abundance of health fill your life!

Please leave questions, comments or kind critiques below.



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